The name Thirty-One comes from the verses of Proverbs 31. These words may be thousands of years old, but I am constantly amazed by how today's modern woman can relate to them. Don't we all want to be strong, dignified and wise? The Proverbs 31 woman is dearly loved and respected by him and her children, yet she is an individual in her own right. She manages the home and property with kindness and integrity. her savvy business skills are partly brought about by her desire to serve others, to do good deeds and prosper.
You may know us as a company offering stylish purses, accessories and products that help organize the lives of busy women and their families. But we are more than that. We are committed to providing an opportunity for women to achieve financial freedom, find personal fulfillment and realize their dreams.
Check out my website and let me know if you are interested in any products or have any questions! I fully believe that every homeschool Mom could use at least 1 of these products. I just love them all, and can't wait to share this with everyone! Take a look at the catalog and come back and tell me what your favorite product is or what you think you could use for you or your home.